Public Health Programme in Pharmacy
Order Description
select one of the topic related to health issue
PHAR 1005 1550 – Assessment Task 2
Health Promotion/ Public Health programs in the Pharmacy
Community Pharmacy is an important site for both health promotion and FUN“? health
activities. In this assessment task, Students will negotiate an area of health promotion/public health
interest with the course co-ordinator and develop a health promotion/public health program that
could be offered to consumers. This assessment will have three parts.
Part 1 – Academic Report (worth 10%)
The student will write an academic, referenced report describing the risks and impacts associated
with this health problem for both individuals and the broader community.
This report will be 750 words long (exclusive of reference list). Citations will be formatted in APA
Part 2 – Consumer Resource (worth 15%)
The student will write a consumer educational resource about this health problem that outlines the
nature of the health problem and gives evidence based advice about managing the health program.
This entire resource must be written in plain English, in a format suitable for consumers.
The resource can be in any appropriate media, but should be 1000 words or 10 minutes long.
There is no need to place citations within the text of the resource, but students should include with
their submission a bibliography, formatted in APA style of the references consulted in the
preparation of the resource. ; ;,. 7 , .1 f l ‘5
Part 3 – Guidelines for the Delivery of the Service (worth 15%)
The student will write a guideline (15%) for the delivery of this service in your pharmacy. This
formally written guideline will address issues such as Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S), issues
associated with collecting and recording data, consent, privacy and confidentiality and any other
relevant guidance for staff members delivering the service.
This Guideline will be approximately 1000 words long, and should include a bibliography formatted
in APA Style of resources consulted in its preparation.
Formatting Guidelines
Parts 1 and 3 should be written using Calibri, Arial or Times New Roman fonts, snze,11 font. A
minimum of 1.5 spacing should be used throughout.
A footer should be included on each page with your name and student number. Make sure that the
consumer resources are clearly labelled with your name and student number.